Create the FREEDOM to live the life you WANT

Are you stuck in a dead-end job, or

feeling stuck in a rut, or

feel like time is running out to have a dream?


"Is this what my life has become?"

Are you a Creator, Artist, Mentor, Change Maker,

Healer, Empath, Introvert or a Multidimensional Cosmonaut?


Waking up each day choosing how you spend your day?

No longer feeling drained or filled with dread, but inspired to pursue your passion and purpose.

Creating meaningful work that makes a positive impact.

 Unleashing your full potential as a creative, empathic soul who now inspires others.

Finding your voice & your vision and revealing it to the world.

Never having to retire, because your dreams are not 'work'.

Hi there, I am Martina

I work with women who think it's too late to find their purpose.

Breaking them out of the prison of 'limits, doubts and fears' and freeing their 'passion, potential and possibility'

I help them gain the clarity of what that is, so they can escape the grind and embrace their groove.

I like you, could never find my purpose. But I knew there had to be one.

That odyssey has taken me from being an Accountant which I loathed to travelling the globe looking for my passion. With all the emotional turbulence in between. Landing who I am suppose to be at 40 yrs old!!!

It's never too late to find the next chapter in your story.

We attract what we believe, before you manifest more of what you DON'T want.

The Magnetic Clarity Course is the perfect compass to finding your true path.

Everything you will have access to:

  • Find your way, your worth & your potential.
  • Mastering confidence, clarity & choosing an unlimited life.
  • Create boundaries & play by your divine rules.
  • Build your transformation effortlessly.
  • Own yourself. No cheap imitations here.
  • Finding emotional freedom
  • Living in & on purpose.
  • Step by step system - Super easy.
  • Plug & Play Protocols - Take the TOOLS anywhere.
  • Meditation & Visualisations - Perpetual new ideas FOREVER.

Is this for me?

😣 Feeling overwhelmed by lack of direction & feeling stuck.

😣 Holding back due to imposter syndrome and self-doubt, leading to unfulfilled potential.

😣 Struggling to assert and set boundaries effectively, leading to energy drain or suffocation in social circles.

😣 Craving meaningful connections with others, but sometimes feeling isolated due to being misunderstood. Introvert & empath, anyone?

😣 Frustration with indecisiveness and missing out on exciting opportunities aligned with passions and goals. It seems everyone else is ahead of me. 

😣 I'm creative and curious but is that really a passion? I lack vision.

😣 I have had so many stories and lessons, my resilience alone must be for something!

⚡Transformation for Life - It’s time!

🔮 Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, energized, and motivated, with a clear sense of direction and purpose in all areas of your life. 360 Style!

🔮 Embodying choices with creativity and clarity, using the power of the body and mind to create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

🔮 Attracting abundance, success, and happiness effortlessly, as you navigate your life with grace and ease.

🔮 Cultivating a deep sense of confidence and self-worth, Building strong, authentic relationships with others.

🔮 Unleash your full potential as a creative, empathic soul who values authenticity and connection with others. No longer being drained, but inspired to pursue your passion and purpose by creating meaningful work that makes a positive impact in the world.

🔮 Taking aligned actions, confidently making decisions with clarity, intuition, and conviction.

🔮 Combined with energy mastery and manifestation techniques, you will learn to harness the power of your thoughts and emotions to create the life you desire. 

🔮 You will become a master of your own destiny, using the power of certainty, creativity, and intuition to make confident decisions that align with your passions and purpose.

Follow the breadcrumbs, don’t overthink,
They’re leading you back with a cosmic wink.

The magic you’re chasing? It’s been there all along,
Just rediscover where your soul belongs.

The journey you’re on is uniquely your own,
In the dance of the universe, you’re never alone.

Bring your magic, pack your curiosity &
Take a leap of faith

into Magnetic Clarity—

Embrace the transformation that awaits.

3, 2, 1 ... JUMP!!!

What is blocking your


Discover your Kryptonite, so you can get on with leveraging your Superpowers. 

Helping you navigate life with clarity, confidence, and purpose. 

Take the quiz to uncover your true potential. 

Preview Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: GROUND ZERO
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: SUITING UP
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: MEET THE CREW - The Archetypes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CERTAINTY - Codebook ⚓
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CREATIVITY - Codebook 🎨
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CHOICE - Codebook 🎮
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CALIBRATION - Codebook 💚
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CONVICTION - Codebook 🎤
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CLARITY - Codebook 🔍
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MY CHANNEL - Codebook 👑
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

Sol, Argentina - Artist

Martina has the knowledge to join the dots and notice patterns in your behaviour that I wouldn't have noticed myself. I couldn't recommend her work enough. Now I have the tools to use forever.

Catherine, Melbourne - Practitioner

Martina is very skilled at assisting you to uncover those patterns & behaviours that are impeding you from achieving your goals.

She does this with empathy, compassion, a sense of humour & a little tough love if required.

I would highly recommend anything this woman does.

Sneak Peek

Jump into your next chapter. All the tools you need to find clarity, emotional confidence & the freedom to live your purpose driven life. Manifesting Magnet that you are!



Your work is to

become your best self.

You are never done.

Oprah Winfrey


The meaning of life

is to find your gift.

The purpose of life is to give it away

Pablo Picasso


Follow your bliss and the universe

will open doors for you

where there were only walls.

Joseph Campbell